Frequently Asked Questions ========================== - How can I get all my tags? If you are using just an out-of-the-box setup, your tags are stored in the `Tag` model (found in `taggit.models`). If this is a custom model (for example you have your own models derived from `ItemBase`), then you'll need to query that one instead. So if you are using the standard setup, ``Tag.objects.all()`` will give you the tags. - How can I use this with factory_boy? Since these are all built off of many-to-many relationships, you can check out `factory_boy's documentation on this topic `_ and get some ideas on how to deal with tags. One way to handle this is with post-generation hooks:: class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory): # Rest of the stuff @post_generation def tags(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: return if extracted: self.tags.add(*extracted)