Tags in forms

The TaggableManager will show up automatically as a field in a ModelForm or in the admin. Tags input via the form field are parsed as follows:

  • If the input doesn’t contain any commas or double quotes, it is simply treated as a space-delimited list of tag names.

  • If the input does contain either of these characters:

    • Groups of characters which appear between double quotes take precedence as multi-word tags (so double quoted tag names may contain commas). An unclosed double quote will be ignored.

    • Otherwise, if there are any unquoted commas in the input, it will be treated as comma-delimited. If not, it will be treated as space-delimited.


Tag input string

Resulting tags


apple ball cat

["apple", "ball", "cat"]

No commas, so space delimited

apple, ball cat

["apple", "ball cat"]

Comma present, so comma delimited

“apple, ball” cat dog

["apple, ball", "cat", "dog"]

All commas are quoted, so space delimited

“apple, ball”, cat dog

["apple, ball", "cat dog"]

Contains an unquoted comma, so comma delimited

apple “ball cat” dog

["apple", "ball cat", "dog"]

No commas, so space delimited

“apple” “ball dog

["apple", "ball", "dog"]

Unclosed double quote is ignored


If, when saving a form, you use the commit=False option you’ll need to call save_m2m() on the form after you save the object, just as you would for a form with normal many to many fields on it:

if request.method == "POST":
    form = MyFormClass(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        obj = form.save(commit=False)
        obj.user = request.user
        # Without this next line the tags won't be saved.

You can check the details over in the Django documentation on form saving.